Hollow Trees Farm - Cafe Design.

Safe, well designed outdoor spaces for public use, multiple person gatherings and commerce are more in demand than ever.

‘Covid Secure’ is now a common place phrase that not only broadcasts engagement in responsibility towards each other it also demonstrates a sense of mindfulness and care for those we share spaces with. Whether a space is designed for and shared by customers, clients, friends, family or colleagues this consideration is reflective and necessary given the current global climate.

Having a well designed outdoor space, be it for public or private use makes an enormous difference to the the value of that area. Whether the purpose is having a safe space to meet, a well designed environment to encourage creativity or a space for clients and customers to spend time there is no limit to the design ideas, functions and solutions. Whilst the commercial value of investment in outdoor space is often measured quantitively by a revenue, footfall or return generated there is also a qualitative value to any well designed outdoor space. Ultimately this qualitive value will impact the commercial return but also the image and profile of the site.

Recently at Mike Long Gardens we have had the privilege of redesigning the outdoor cafe area at Hollow Trees Farm, in Suffolk. The brief was clear; to create a safe, complimentary, flexible, multipurpose outdoor space that could be used throughout the daytime and evening. Whilst this project has a more commercial emphasis - the brief being aligned to creating a space that allows customers of Hollow Trees Farm Cafe to benefit from the outdoor spaces whilst also enjoying the delicious food and beverages, it was still also essential that the design was fitting and reflective of Hollow Trees Farm and its values - it needed to feel as though it has always been there.

Commercially, consideration needs to be made for accessibility and inclusivity. With this design, and others, if the space is not able to be accessed and enjoyed by all who visit then the design would not be fit for purpose and create a division of use of the space. In this design for Hollow Trees Farm, Mike Long has carefully blended access areas allowing flow between areas without barriers. Elements of outdoor dining ‘al fresco’ have been incorporated within the design, including an outdoor kitchen and bar area which is complimented with multiple height table and seating options. By carefully considering the most effective, yet safest, use of the available space Mike Long has designed spaces around the seating areas so that there is a sense of safety and privacy - without creating a feeling of distance or detachment, a delicate balance to hold.

If you have a commercial space that you would like designed or re-designed please do get in touch.


(Studio Manager)




Awesome Autumn.