Springing into Marvellous March

Whilst pontificating on which interesting news to share with you from us here in the Mike Long Gardens studio, I was taken by this image that Monty Don shared on his instagram page. (Visit post by clicking here).

Photo credit Monty Don

Preparing to share with you our updates, and our thoughts and tips about spring 2022, this photo was a timely reminder of all of the wonderful things that have been happening in our gardens and outdoor spaces - the things that exist and when we allow them time and space to do so - without our intentional input.

Sometimes it is easy to loose sight of the things that coexist with us, especially when those things are hidden, which can give us the impression that little, if any, help is needed from us.

The commonality that can be seen in this photo is growth. Here we are reminded of the beautifully crafted nests that have been carefully and meticulously built to house and grow the next generation, as well as the skins that have been shed. Shedding is the only way for these creatures to grow, to release themselves or they remain trapped in their current size and shape. This collection photographed by Monty Don contains the evidence or testimony of the work that has that has taken place over the year since the last pruning.

It may be hard to envisage, following the storms and wet weather we have been having in this part of the UK, but March is the perfect time to start your garden preparation and planning, the ideal time to start waking up your garden - by trimming, pruning, feeding and tidying. It is a little too early to put anything delicate into the ground but it is a great time to get new hedging and trees into the soil to establish themselves as things begin to warm up.

When tidying your garden we would advise to gently and carefully ‘spring clean’ any outdoor space. You may find many surprises along the way and if you are thinking of changing up your space now is the time to get in touch with a Garden Designer - as you are reading this article it means you already know of a great team here at Mike Long Gardens.
Not only is it a good time to get those new hedges and trees into the soil but it is also a good time to trim and shape them, to encourage healthy new growth. If you are looking for a recommended landscaping contractor to help with maintenance and other works in your garden or outdoor spaces then we have some great recommendations (locally and nationally).

So, what steer did Monty’s photo give to this article and why did we want to share them with you?
Within this photo, containing a collection of natures ‘garden treasure’ amassed after pruning, there are the nests - all unique and bespoke, specifically designed and built for purpose, with care and diligence. There are also the snake and dragonfly skins, evidence of the process of change that has to happen to enable the growth. The natural processes that happen to enable this change, growth and life to flourish have a symmetry to the process of garden design.
At Mike Long Gardens the attention to detail, fulfilment of each any every bespoke need, the invitation of change pioneered by turning spaces into something that enables growth and facilitates joy, that happens behind the scenes is something that is a marvel to be part of. To see the creativity with which an outdoor space can be curated, by design, into something that not only fulfils a clients ideas and expectations but extends those initial thoughts into a space and place that becomes so much more, a good design that grows over time and is a treasure to those who enjoy it!


May Spotlight - Plants for my garden


Storms & peace…